This macro is used to Embed an Object into a wiki page-- objects being things usually handled by plug-ins, such as Flash, PDF, or movies. Optional size of the object could be adjusted. Further keywords are dependent on the kind of application.
If the attachment file isn't uploaded yet the attachment line will be shown.
New in 1.6: MoinMoin has new (for some target types rather experimental) transclusion syntax like this: {{target|desc|params}}.
Enabling EmbedObject
EmbedObject is an included standard moin macro. However, for security reasons, mimetypes have to be specifically enabled in your wikiconfig.py to enable EmbedObject.
In your wikiconfig.py file, under the "Content options" section, add the following lines:
mimetypes_xss_protect = ['text/html', 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'application/xhtml+xml',] mimetypes_embed = ['application/x-dvi', 'application/postscript', 'application/pdf', 'application/ogg', 'application/vnd.visio', 'image/x-ms-bmp', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/tiff', 'image/x-photoshop', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/midi', 'audio/x-wav', 'video/fli', 'video/mpeg', 'video/quicktime', 'video/x-msvideo', 'chemical/x-pdb', 'x-world/x-vrml',]
You should specifically add and/or remove content types from the mimetypes_embed to only those you need to use on your site. For example, if you need Flash, move the 'application/x-shockwave-flash' from the mimetypes_xss_protect to the mimetypes_embed line.
see related: HelpOnConfiguration
supported mimetypes:
- application/x-shockwave-flash
- application/x-dvi
- application/postscript
- application/pdf
- application/ogg
- application/vnd.visio
- image/x-ms-bmp
- image/svg+xml
- image/tiff
- image/x-photoshop
- audio/mpeg
- audio/midi
- audio/x-wav
- video/fli
- video/mpeg
- video/quicktime
- video/x-msvideo
- chemical/x-pdb
- x-world/x-vrml
Syntax & Usage
Keyword Parameters:
Dependent on the mimetype class a different set of keywords is used from the defaults:
width = None, float height = None, float pagename = None, unicode align = middle alt = '' play = False loop = False quality = high op = True repeat = False autostart = False menu = True hidden = False
All mimetypes support width & height parameters.
Since 1.7 MoinMoin supports parsing of units. Known units for the parameter width and height are px, em, pt, in, mm and %.
If you don't give a unit the default of px will be used.
'video' supports repeat, autostart, menu, op
'audio' supports play, repeat, autostart, op, hidden
- the default width is 60 and default height is 20
'application' supports play, menu, autostart
Basic examples:
<<EmbedObject(example.swf)>> <<EmbedObject(example.pdf)>> <<EmbedObject(example.svg)>>
Realistic examples:
<<EmbedObject(testpdf.pdf,width=100%,height=600px)>> <<EmbedObject(example.swf,width=637px,height=392px,play=true,loop=true)>>